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March 21, 2007 -- 12:59 PM
posted by Al
If you are a big BSG super nerd of the old 70's~80's series I would be more impressed.
March 21, 2007 -- 12:37 PM
posted by nobody knows my face
Paras, I am caught up in the series. Gaius Baltar survived the nuclear explosion because Caprica Six shielded him. She died as a result, but was obviously resurrected. Later in the series they show that cylons are somehow far more resistant to radioactive bombardment (though not immune) than humans are; when they try to find a way through the radioactive gas clouds to get to the algae planet (in order to replenish their dwindling food supplies), they send Sharon as a scout who single-handedly finds the way through, whereas when the human pilots who already know the path try to make it in a few jumps, they get sick from the radioactivity. Presumably the nuclear blast was far enough away (Baltar had a fancy rural home OUTSIDE OF Caprica City, and it was the city which was the main target) that the explosion itself wasn't strong enough to kill Baltar (being shielded by Caprica Six). And it is possible that the Cylon resistance to radiation is strong enough to also act as a radioactive shield. However, this resistance may have aided Baltar in other ways that at this moment remain unclear.
If you hadn't noticed... I am something of a BSG super nerd at the moment.
And I am not ashamed of it.
March 21, 2007 -- 11:24 AM
posted by alison
so, i finally gave in and phoned the doctor, because whatever it is that hit me like a ton of bricks last week seems to be here to stay. but, i can't see even a substitute doctor until monday. AND the receptionist had the gall to laugh at me and say "I'm jealous" when i said i was sleeping 12-ish hours a day and still exhausted (because she can't even sleep that long). how the hell am i supposed to get my papers written or present to the industry folks if i'm not awake enough to think straight? i also can't afford to miss any more classes... and it's taking every ounce of my concentration to get this bloody statistics homework done...
okay, sorry, i'm done whining now. i'll leave you in peace.
March 21, 2007 -- 9:59 AM
posted by eric
oh hey Jesse
insider tip off
we're going to be giving away tickets to METRIC probably starting next week, for the next 5 weeks on wednesday nights at Velvet. On my Tuesday we're going to be giving away !!! tickets, and for thursdays it's gonna be TRANS AM. more details to follow - that's like my new big thing i'm working on for Starlite
March 21, 2007 -- 9:51 AM
posted by edo
Ok... so don't kill this:
But, kill this:
European animal rights activists are screwed up.
March 20, 2007 -- 10:32 PM
posted by Par
Oh, and how come, up to the last episode I've seen (Season 3, Episode 5), they never answered the essential question of how Gaius survived a nuclear explosion in the miniseries? Did anyone ever ask? Does that get answered? In the way I think it does?
March 20, 2007 -- 10:25 PM
posted by Par
Hard N' Phirm, from the Jordan, Jesse, Go! podcast:
Like Love.mp3 (the megaphor-filled Savage Garden parody)
Abe Lincoln.mp3 (Abe's five-step plan for success)
March 20, 2007 -- 8:11 PM
posted by jsese
metric w sebastian grainger(of dfa1979 fame) may 15 starlite room oh yeah wiggity wack to the seeing of you there