> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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lorem ipsum

March 14, 2025 -- 6:36 PM
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go back to maingo to old version

March 21, 2007 -- 9:59 AM
posted by eric

oh hey Jesse
insider tip off
we're going to be giving away tickets to METRIC probably starting next week, for the next 5 weeks on wednesday nights at Velvet. On my Tuesday we're going to be giving away !!! tickets, and for thursdays it's gonna be TRANS AM. more details to follow - that's like my new big thing i'm working on for Starlite

March 21, 2007 -- 9:51 AM
posted by edo

Ok... so don't kill this:

But, kill this:

European animal rights activists are screwed up.


March 20, 2007 -- 10:32 PM
posted by Par

Oh, and how come, up to the last episode I've seen (Season 3, Episode 5), they never answered the essential question of how Gaius survived a nuclear explosion in the miniseries? Did anyone ever ask? Does that get answered? In the way I think it does?

March 20, 2007 -- 10:25 PM
posted by Par

Hard N' Phirm, from the Jordan, Jesse, Go! podcast:

Like Love.mp3 (the megaphor-filled Savage Garden parody)

Abe Lincoln.mp3 (Abe's five-step plan for success)

March 20, 2007 -- 8:11 PM
posted by jsese

metric w sebastian grainger(of dfa1979 fame) may 15 starlite room oh yeah wiggity wack to the seeing of you there

March 20, 2007 -- 7:41 PM
posted by Par

March 20, 2007 -- 11:59 AM
posted by Al

Craziest form of leetspeak I have ever seen.

March 20, 2007 -- 11:34 AM
posted by edo

Using "& gt ;" doesn't work. Good job Php.

March 20, 2007 -- 11:30 AM
posted by edo

So then Flash was all like:

onClipEvent (load) {
loadVariables("http://localhost/friend.php", this, "GETBENT");

And PHP said:

$x = "Fuck off!";
print "myVar=$x";

Couldn't Flash and PHP just get along?

March 20, 2007 -- 8:57 AM
posted by alison

mono? i certainly hope not... though admittedly it's still difficult to pull a full day's effort (and thoughts of mono were quite prevalent last week). i'm going to go visit my gp soon, i think. just to be sure.

... once i catch up on all my now delayed homework. *sigh*
if i don't fall asleep again, haha!

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