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March 20, 2007 -- 11:30 AM
posted by edo
So then Flash was all like:
onClipEvent (load) {
loadVariables("http://localhost/friend.php", this, "GETBENT");
And PHP said:
$x = "Fuck off!";
print "myVar=$x";
Couldn't Flash and PHP just get along?
March 20, 2007 -- 8:57 AM
posted by alison
mono? i certainly hope not... though admittedly it's still difficult to pull a full day's effort (and thoughts of mono were quite prevalent last week). i'm going to go visit my gp soon, i think. just to be sure.
... once i catch up on all my now delayed homework. *sigh*
if i don't fall asleep again, haha!
March 20, 2007 -- 7:53 AM
posted by Al
Didn't know that about flash. That would explain why sites have flash entry intros but heavy html content. Meh whatever works for you, I prefer flash because I'm really crudy at coding and I don't care about hits. Obviously you guys need google indexing and other stuff so you need to code it with html and whatever else I haven't mentioned.
March 20, 2007 -- 1:29 AM
posted by nobody knows my face
what the fuck was I sniffing just now? That's the stupidest spelling of "inefficient" that I've ever seen. How the fuck did I do that?
March 20, 2007 -- 1:23 AM
posted by nobody knows my face
"Pfft... why bother with flash at all at that point, then? I can just use PHP to dynamically generate images and spit out one giant image for every page."
Because your load times would be insane and that is retardedly innefecient, doye!
haha, DOYE. I love that word.
March 19, 2007 -- 10:17 PM
posted by Par
What show are they getting free downloads of?
Otherwise, the bit torrent thing isn't that hard. There are a number of people here that I know use it to keep up with TV shows they miss (or, in some unscrupulous cases, watch all their TV on demand through bit torrent downloads.) I'm sure that none of them would mind corrupting helping someone else learn to do it themselves.
(And maybe you have the mono...)
March 19, 2007 -- 8:21 PM
posted by alison
nooo... Taylor, i've been sleeping a lot lately because i've been sick... and my sickness has mostly come in the form of extreme exhaustion... which makes me worry that there's something messed up about me (more than usual, haha)
um, and, small rant: why is it that Americans can get "free downloads" of their favourite television shows but non-americans can't? i'd even be happy to pay for some of the stuff i don't watch (since that's what cable does anyway...) but nooooo... it doesn't seem to be possible. anyone got ideas? hmm, i should probably just bite the bullet and learn how to do the bit torrent thing... but grrrr... i'm in class, or i'm at meetings or whatever during the shows i like to watch, which don't come on at other times up here... so, i'd be willing to pay, and then watch them on the bus instead of the back of the head of the person in front of me, but it just doesn't seem to be possible, or is it? do you know?
March 19, 2007 -- 7:09 PM
posted by Par
Gah, someone needs to punch André Boisclair in the mouth. I can't find a link with text, but I was just watching CBC and a reporter was asking him about the $2.3B that Quebec would be receiving as a result of the budget. He said it was money that Quebec needed. Then (from memory, and Parasphrased®):
Reporter: Doesn't taking money from a federalist formula affirm the concept of federalism?
Boisclair: That's why we're separatists; we feel there's money still left on the table that Quebec deserves access to.
Reporter: But you'll take the money anyway?
Boisclair: You got it.
Cheeky fucker, ain't he?