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Translation: we track what you click on and track you when you leave our site and when you come back. We want to sell clicks that maximize the value we can extract from them. We want you to think we're making things better for you, but we have to think about our customers, who are our advertisers, not you.
September 04, 2014 -- 3:04 AM
posted by Beck
Holy crap, what happened to the summer? Par, we need to hang out before it ends up being winter already.
August 25, 2014 -- 1:03 PM
posted by Par
(Facebook) News Feed FYI: Click-baiting:
Today we’re announcing some improvements to News Feed to help people find the posts and links from publishers that are most interesting and relevant.
So how do we determine what looks like click-bait?
One way is to look at how long people spend reading an article away from Facebook.
The best way to share a link after these updates will be to use the link format, so it looks like the one above. In our studies, these posts have received twice as many clicks compared to links embedded in photo captions.
Will this affect my Page?
A small set of publishers who are frequently posting links with click-bait headlines that many people don’t spend time reading after they click through may see their distribution decrease in the next few months. We’re making these changes to ensure that click-bait content does not drown out the things that people really want to see on Facebook.
Translation: we track what you click on and track you when you leave our site and when you come back. We want to sell clicks that maximize the value we can extract from them. We want you to think we're making things better for you, but we have to think about our customers, who are our advertisers, not you.
August 13, 2014 -- 6:24 PM
posted by Par
I'm partial to this at the moment (kind of spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy?)
load more posts . . .