> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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lorem ipsum

March 14, 2025 -- 1:25 PM
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go back to maingo to old version

March 23, 2007 -- 8:49 PM
posted by Al

So I'm a sucker for flash shooter games and this one is pretty good. So if you liked Gamma Brothers then this one one will be just as fun.

Bubble Tank

March 23, 2007 -- 6:51 PM
posted by Al

Interesting story to go with post?

March 23, 2007 -- 5:37 PM
posted by Par

Do you have any idea how hard it is to check your email with one dilated pupil?

Because now I do. Goddamn.

March 23, 2007 -- 2:26 PM
posted by Par

1) "I can see into your soul, Stephen..." oo-wee-oo

2) Only when he's smiling.

3) Didn't you hear the news? Thanks to Harper and Flaherty, "the long, tiring, unproductive era of bickering between the provincial and federal governments is over." I mean, I suppose they could wait until they cure cancer or figure out where all our missing unpaired socks go, but they deserve to celebrate a little, don't they? Just look at how bicker-free everyone is now.

4) This is an interesting one. You're talking about the American colours, right? Isn't the less conspiratorial issue that they're CPC-ing up government websites? I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that.

Seems to be a waste of money to redesign government websites with every change at the PMO. And it's hard to argue that the Liberals did the same, seeing as their colours match official national colours. It's not overt, though; just look at the Conservatives' website for what they could have done with the blue.

March 23, 2007 -- 1:29 PM
posted by alison

Question 1: What do you think Stelmach is thinking in this picture?

Question 2: Does our prime minister always have such goofy facial expressions?

Question 3: I mean, what the hell?

Question 4: Does it bother anyone else that the colours of the main page of the canadian government website is red, white and blue?

March 23, 2007 -- 11:27 AM
posted by alison

i love how the picture of a fight Yahoo uses for their poll on hockey violence is one of our beloved yet maligned underdogs, and looking like he's not got the upperhand in the battle...

March 23, 2007 -- 10:39 AM
posted by eric

dance party alert
i'm DJing at Fluid from about 9pm-11pm
then i'm spinning a set over at khz where it's gonna be a crazy dance party for my buddy Eli, who's back in town this weekend

March 23, 2007 -- 8:19 AM
posted by Al

Oh voting period ends March 29.

March 23, 2007 -- 7:54 AM
posted by Firepower beats firepower!

Alright back on track in the B bracket again. Thanks to all those illegal votes Saberfalcon has made it past some random dude (didn't bother to take a name). Now once again I need your help. I need to beat Motarboy!

Vote here!

So same thing as last time but you know it actually counts more.

March 22, 2007 -- 4:18 PM
posted by Al

Just driving AD home yesterday were I drove less then ideally.

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