> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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March 23, 2007 -- 11:27 AM
posted by alison

i love how the picture of a fight Yahoo uses for their poll on hockey violence is one of our beloved yet maligned underdogs, and looking like he's not got the upperhand in the battle...

March 23, 2007 -- 10:39 AM
posted by eric

dance party alert
i'm DJing at Fluid from about 9pm-11pm
then i'm spinning a set over at khz where it's gonna be a crazy dance party for my buddy Eli, who's back in town this weekend

March 23, 2007 -- 8:19 AM
posted by Al

Oh voting period ends March 29.

March 23, 2007 -- 7:54 AM
posted by Firepower beats firepower!

Alright back on track in the B bracket again. Thanks to all those illegal votes Saberfalcon has made it past some random dude (didn't bother to take a name). Now once again I need your help. I need to beat Motarboy!

Vote here!

So same thing as last time but you know it actually counts more.

March 22, 2007 -- 4:18 PM
posted by Al

Just driving AD home yesterday were I drove less then ideally.

March 22, 2007 -- 3:55 PM
posted by Par

Anything in particular bring on this epiphany, Al?

March 22, 2007 -- 8:03 AM
posted by Al

Alright no more crazy Al driving only boring Al driving from now on. I will not use my car to prove anything, impress anyone or cause any trouble. It is a tool that gets me from point A to point B and nothing else. It doesn't do anything magical or special, it is a normal car made by the hands of humans and is therefore subject to the laws and limitations of this world.

March 21, 2007 -- 3:27 PM
posted by nobody knows my face

Like I said, he was out in the country and it's the cities the cylons were targetting. When Boomer decided to stay on Caprica and let Baltar take her place on the ship back to Galactica, you'll remember there were a whole ton of rural-lookin people trying to get on that ship too. There were definitely a bunch of survivors after the attack, enough to mount a rebel force on Caprica, and who knows what happened on the other 11 colonial planets. I think the fact that Baltar survived is not impossible... but exactly HOW he survived is something that I think they will reveal in season 4.

NEXT SUNDAY IS THE SEAON FINALE!!! Do you think it's going to be as insane as the season 2 final episode??? It doesn't seem like it is... but then again in season 2 I thought it wasn't going anywhere until that last episode and then I was like HOLY SHIT.

March 21, 2007 -- 3:16 PM
posted by Par

Well, it's the original Apollo that plays Tom Zarek, but that's another story. (I looked it up because the dude's name is Richard Hatch, and I read that name as a 'special guest star' but I didn't remember seeing fat naked Survivor dude in the show.)

I'll have to disagree with your explanation of Baltar's non-death, though. At the risk of devolving into a depressingly geeky conversation (eh, who am I kidding), radiation-sickness isn't really the way that a thermonuclear bomb kills people; at least not instantly. Generally, it is the giant explosion, heat and blunt force, that does it.

Given, then, that it's a physically traumatic and heat-related insult, and having seen all the gunshots and stabbings and whatnot that have killed Cylons throughout the show, it seems a pretty weak explanation that she shielded him from the giant explosion -- one that still killed her and destroyed his home -- and that that allowed him to survive.

Maybe it's not something that they'll ever explain. But it seems like a rather glaring unanswered question.

March 21, 2007 -- 2:00 PM
posted by Al

I'm impressed.

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