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March 06, 2007 -- 3:49 PM
posted by Par

Mike Brophy is an idiot:

The latest crime against mankind is the Cam Janssen hit on Leafs defenseman Tomas Kaberle. If it was a Kurtis Foster hit on Mike Van Ryn, I doubt very much we’d be having this discussion. But because it involved a Leaf and Toronto is the center of the hockey universe, the sport now stands on trial.

Yes it was a late hit and a cheap shot. Yes Janssen was wrong to do what he did. Yes Janssen showed a complete disregard for his opponent’s safety, which may indeed be the bigger issue here. Yes it is very unfortunate Toronto’s best player was injured.

But to the NHL’s credit, the league suspended Janssen three games. Make what you will of the suspension, but it must be noted this is the first time the league has suspended a player for a late hit. It has acknowledged both Janssen’s wrongdoing and the fact player safety is an issue the NHL is not ignoring. You may say the NHL should mandate specific suspensions for headshots, but what happens the first time a superstar throws a hit and accidentally clips an opponent in the head and is automatically sat down for 10 games? Your team is in the playoff hunt and now you lose your top star because he accidentally hit an opponent in the head, with no intention to injure? My guess is you won’t be too happy with the suspension.

First off, the video:

The fact in the case was that it's clearly a late hit (he doesn't even start moving towards Kaberle until the puck has been passed), it had a horrible outcome for Kaberle (which, until this point, I thought was the NHL's yardstick for handing out suspensions) and the hit was to Kaberle's head. I mean, does Kaberle have to die before the NHL disciplines Janssen in any significant way? I'm no die-hard Leafs fan, but it's plain to see that was a dirty and very dangerous hit. To argue that people only care because it's a player for Toronto is absurd.

My major problem with Brophy (and maybe I don't give him enough credit; maybe he's not an idiot, just an obfuscator) is that he presents a false choice: the negligence of the NHL in dealing with a significant safety issue in the game or illogical and draconian measures to penalize incidental body-head contact. Of course neither is a good option, but Brophy argues the latter is untenable therefore the former is good enough. Basically, bullshit.

In general, the league has a problem with hits to the head. I don't know much about playing the game at the speed and intensity of the NHL level, so I don't know if automatic penalties for hits to the head are feasible or necessary. I would argue that it's negligent for the league to do so little to protect its assets (ie. the players) from this kind of incident.

Put it this way, if Cam Janssen knows that hits to the head are penalized at least as stiffly as hits from behind, or that late hits are cause for automatic suspension, does Tomas Kaberle get carried off the ice on a stretcher Friday night? And does my respect for Mike Brophy continue its downward spiral?

To answer Brophy's question, which I have highlighted, I wouldn't be happy to see, say, Ales Hemsky suspended 10 games for a hit to the head, but I'm less happy to see Hemsky, Stoll, Pisani, Gilbert, and a host of other players around the league concussed out of more than 10 games because the NHL is too afraid of being accused of softening the game to do something serious about head injuries to its players.

March 05, 2007 -- 11:04 PM
posted by Par

March 05, 2007 -- 1:26 AM
posted by eric

a film adaptation of Samuel Beckett's play, "Breath"

from the wiki:
Modern critics have tended to see Breath as being about the archetypal Beckett subject: the relative shortness and futility of life itself. “The simplicity is symmetrical recalling Pozzo's poignant comment”[7] in Waiting for Godot: "They give birth astride a grave, the light gleams an instant and then it is night once more."[1] Others have been less charitable, thinking of it as a weak joke.

March 04, 2007 -- 8:26 PM
posted by Beck


$post = new Post();
$post->title = $_SESSION['title'];
$post->post = $_SESSION['post'];
$post->date = $_SESSION['date'];
unset($_SESSION['title'], $_SESSION['post'], $_SESSION['date']);


when I echo the $_SESSION['post'] it's the correct string, but when I echo $post->post it comes up as "Object" every time.

March 04, 2007 -- 4:46 PM
posted by Al

Simpsons Movie Trailer 3 All clips from the film.


March 04, 2007 -- 4:42 PM
posted by Jsese

Great party E! Great Tunes! Not so great transition between sets I'll have to say. It brought together a great spectrum of people. people I hadn't seen in a while. It was just like teh 90s. that is when I was good friends with raymond wong. Can't wait for the next event! any word on another hipster twister? somewhere with ancing and twisting at the same time maybe? or parhaps a dancing rule while one is playing hipster twister? ie, thou must shake at least one portion of our body while twistering. yeah, freaken yeah.

A friend of mine is posibly organizing a ski trip near the end of the month to the banff area. let me know if this sorta thing is your bag baby!

March 04, 2007 -- 3:56 PM
posted by Al

It was an awesome party Eric! Except for those ainlay guys I thought I forgotten all about, and that they played my favourite 90's song as we were leaving.

March 04, 2007 -- 2:37 PM
posted by eric

hey thanks again to everyone that came out last night. hope you had a good time
wish i could have had more time to chat, we should go for drinks sometime

March 04, 2007 -- 12:59 PM
posted by Beck

Yeah that works for me...

my save() function is working now but I have questions about the other stuff. I can't seem to get anything to display with the getHTML() function...

March 04, 2007 -- 8:45 AM
posted by Par

I think my plate is pretty full today, unfortunately. Can we meet one evening this week? (Though not Thursday.) Or maybe next Sunday?

(Oh, and you have to take out the comma at the end of your 'title' line in the 'UPDATE' part of your 'save' function.)

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