> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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March 16, 2025 -- 7:35 PM
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March 04, 2007 -- 8:45 AM
posted by Par

I think my plate is pretty full today, unfortunately. Can we meet one evening this week? (Though not Thursday.) Or maybe next Sunday?

(Oh, and you have to take out the comma at the end of your 'title' line in the 'UPDATE' part of your 'save' function.)

March 04, 2007 -- 12:33 AM
posted by Beck

Hey par are you busy tomorrow? I was thinking that andy, yourself and I could get together to put some of that stuff in writing. Also I need help with some object oriented programming, I keep getting the error:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: post in /home/clever/public_html/beck24/dev/postprocess.php on line 4

even though the object class Post is defined and included...

got that figured out, but now the save() function for the object only seems to work when the id=0

March 03, 2007 -- 5:38 PM
posted by edo

Hey Al (And anyone else interested in comming to dinner)

We're changing it to:

Allegro Italian Kitchen
10011 109st

March 03, 2007 -- 5:20 PM
posted by Al

See you there!

March 03, 2007 -- 4:51 PM
posted by mary and Edo

hey hey! ok, so here's the dinner plan:

Matahari (10108B 124 Street)
7 pm.

If you drive down Jasper towards heading West, right where Jasper turns into 124 Street, it's on that block. There's free customer parking around back (that's right...free convenient parking downtown, it seems wrong, but it's true).

Then: On to 90's dance party fun!

March 03, 2007 -- 11:54 AM
posted by Al

Sure, less cooking for Al, phone me with the details.

March 03, 2007 -- 11:30 AM
posted by edo

Hey folks - Anyone interested in going out for dinner somewhere before heading to the '90s dance-a-thon?

March 03, 2007 -- 10:22 AM
posted by Chris

Question...I have rogers internet connection in extreme. We put a password on our wireless connection because the girl downstairs isn't paying. So instead of 4 sharing the connection, there are 3. My roommate wants to downgrade to the cheaper connection because it's "too expensive" not that the bill is split 3 ways instead of 4. I told her that if we downgrade, it would be slow since we are all still sharing a connection and taking away 1 person won't make that much of a difference but she didn't get me. I don't think she understands computers much.

Am I right to assume this or can we actually get rogers express and not see much of a difference in internet speed?

March 03, 2007 -- 8:30 AM
posted by Par

Agreed, alison, it does seem like a site that's forcing it. And they definitely fall short of the user-submissions to Defective Yeti's Cliché Rotation Project (finding new ways of expressing old clichés). My faves:

It's a win-win situation.Everyone gets ice cream!
Looking for a needle in a haystackTrying to find a clock in a casino
Looks a gift horse in the mouth.Wants birthday cake on Christmas.
Nice guys finish lastNo one remembers Ivan the Wonderful

I think he's still taking submissions, too.

March 02, 2007 -- 10:22 PM
posted by alison

uh... bang the bricks, eh?


thus far, i can't say as i've ever used any of the 'idioms' listed... is this another one of those fake pop cultural analysis sites?

it's kind-of funny... in a lame sort of way...

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