> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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March 01, 2007 -- 8:21 PM
posted by Par

Dead Heads: Why doctors are bad at mortality. Food for thought. I wonder how my opinion of this article will change in 5, 10, 15 years.

March 01, 2007 -- 7:12 PM
posted by nobody knows my face

okay, let's seriously forget the oilers even exist anymore. I am done with them. I have washed my hands of their filth. And what better way to put this behind us and forget all these hockey induced worries by GETTING DRUNK AT MY HOUSE FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!? Well, you don't have to get drunk. But there's gonna be a sweet party with sweet bands and you SHOULD ALL COME BECAUSE I NEVER SEE ANY OF YOU ANYMORE.

Mothra is headlinging. They're from the west coast, and THEY ARE AWESOME. I'm talking one of Canada's top bands IN MY BASEMENT PLAYING A SHOW. I'm also talking GOOD TIMES. So yeah... let's do this. I just finished the poster:


Oh, and me and eric and eric's band is playing too.

March 01, 2007 -- 5:19 PM
posted by Par

You want to play sprout.

March 01, 2007 -- 4:54 PM
posted by Al

Yep... Same here at work... get the hell out of here time real soon.

March 01, 2007 -- 4:49 PM
posted by alison

i'm boooooooooooooored, and i don't want to do my homework...

and i'm sure you all wanted to know that...

March 01, 2007 -- 2:56 PM
posted by P

need...new ram...for damn laptop...never installed ram on laptop before...must...do it....

Hold on....



I believe I need PC133 type for Pentium III. I'm not sure what the max capacity is for my HP Pavilion N5495 is though. Nor do I know how many slots it has...I'm going into territory I've never gone before. N5495 I must really love you for doing this. HEEEEEEEP MEEEE, I don't wanna use another computer!

March 01, 2007 -- 11:09 AM
posted by edo

March 01, 2007 -- 1:31 AM
posted by mary

thinking of going to bed: you know what sucks? when your neck hurts so much that you can't sleep. and not even just kindof can't sleep so you lie in bed and sleep for a half hour or so on and off, but the kind of can't sleep where you get up and sit awake praying for painkillers to kick in.

I think I need a massage. Sigh.

March 01, 2007 -- 1:30 AM
posted by mary


ok, so so far, 4 people (including me?)

um...if you want me to get tickets for you, please send me and email sometime tomorrow (that is, before Friday when I wake up)


February 28, 2007 -- 10:04 PM
posted by alison

well... i know, from time to time, i have flowers on my mind, but in my brain is something new...

actually, what i was kind-of referring to would be the National Geographic cited studies of how Schizophrenia is more commonly found in people who have larger, uh, holes in their brains... (sinuses??)

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