> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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March 01, 2007 -- 1:31 AM
posted by mary

thinking of going to bed: you know what sucks? when your neck hurts so much that you can't sleep. and not even just kindof can't sleep so you lie in bed and sleep for a half hour or so on and off, but the kind of can't sleep where you get up and sit awake praying for painkillers to kick in.

I think I need a massage. Sigh.

March 01, 2007 -- 1:30 AM
posted by mary


ok, so so far, 4 people (including me?)

um...if you want me to get tickets for you, please send me and email sometime tomorrow (that is, before Friday when I wake up)


February 28, 2007 -- 10:04 PM
posted by alison

well... i know, from time to time, i have flowers on my mind, but in my brain is something new...

actually, what i was kind-of referring to would be the National Geographic cited studies of how Schizophrenia is more commonly found in people who have larger, uh, holes in their brains... (sinuses??)

February 28, 2007 -- 10:01 PM
posted by alison

ooo!! me, Mary, sign me up!! i am totally interested, but i'll e-mail you too.

February 28, 2007 -- 7:28 PM
posted by Jsese

ahh, how I miss those little colored pins. wait!!! what did I say?

February 28, 2007 -- 7:26 PM
posted by Jsese

yes I would Al, though I am also interested. I'll get in contact with you Mary before friday.

February 28, 2007 -- 7:20 PM
posted by Al

If I said yes to Feist would you all look at me funny?

February 28, 2007 -- 5:34 PM
posted by Chris

I don't think schizophrenia causes cisterns in the brain. Usually it's other cognitive disorders such as dementia and alzheimers that cause cisterns or deposits that affect function in the brain. Either that or severe head trauma. I think. It's been a while since I covered the brain. But I never covered schizophrenia as it isn't nutritionally significant. By the way, cardiac surgery ICU is very cool. Definately a happening place to be.

February 28, 2007 -- 5:09 PM
posted by mary

hey, is anyone interested in going to see Feist at the Winspear May 18th? let me know...tickets are on sale this Friday, and I'm going to try and get some.

February 28, 2007 -- 4:06 PM
posted by Par

Cisterns in your brain are little subarachnoid spaces where cerebrospinal fluid can collect. (So, in that sense, they are a lot like reservoirs.) They all have quasi-logical names, but I have no idea why they are clinically relevant, and apparently I have to know where they are and what they're called if there happens to be a coloured pin sticking in one of them Friday morning.

Also, I'm not sure it's schizophrenia that leaves large spaces in your brain. I know CJD and other spongiform encephalopathies do, and I know that if you have a brain abscess, you would have an abnormal space in your brain. MS leads to 'plaques' caused by demyelination around your brain, which could be considered abnormal spaces in general. And any of a number of causes, including tumours, could lead to hydrocephalus, which makes the CSF-containing ventricles in your brain abnormally large fluid-containing spaces.

We haven't covered schizophrenia yet, though, and I could be wrong.

(Oh, and I thought you knew that there are flowers in your brain.)

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