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February 28, 2007 -- 7:26 PM
posted by Jsese
yes I would Al, though I am also interested. I'll get in contact with you Mary before friday.
February 28, 2007 -- 5:34 PM
posted by Chris
I don't think schizophrenia causes cisterns in the brain. Usually it's other cognitive disorders such as dementia and alzheimers that cause cisterns or deposits that affect function in the brain. Either that or severe head trauma. I think. It's been a while since I covered the brain. But I never covered schizophrenia as it isn't nutritionally significant. By the way, cardiac surgery ICU is very cool. Definately a happening place to be.
February 28, 2007 -- 5:09 PM
posted by mary
hey, is anyone interested in going to see Feist at the Winspear May 18th? let me are on sale this Friday, and I'm going to try and get some.
February 28, 2007 -- 4:06 PM
posted by Par
Cisterns in your brain are little subarachnoid spaces where cerebrospinal fluid can collect. (So, in that sense, they are a lot like reservoirs.) They all have quasi-logical names, but I have no idea why they are clinically relevant, and apparently I have to know where they are and what they're called if there happens to be a coloured pin sticking in one of them Friday morning.
Also, I'm not sure it's schizophrenia that leaves large spaces in your brain. I know CJD and other spongiform encephalopathies do, and I know that if you have a brain abscess, you would have an abnormal space in your brain. MS leads to 'plaques' caused by demyelination around your brain, which could be considered abnormal spaces in general. And any of a number of causes, including tumours, could lead to hydrocephalus, which makes the CSF-containing ventricles in your brain abnormally large fluid-containing spaces.
We haven't covered schizophrenia yet, though, and I could be wrong.
(Oh, and I thought you knew that there are flowers in your brain.)
February 28, 2007 -- 3:03 PM
posted by edo
“Calgary was very attractive,†said Laraque, whose no-trade deal in Phoenix allowed him to pick his destination. “Not really liking the way things ended in Edmonton, the best place to go would have been Calgary, definitely.
“It was closer than a lot of people thought. For a while, in my head, I said I was going. I was really fantasizing about wearing Flames red and coming to Edmonton and showing the people who thought the Oilers made a good move by getting rid of me.â€
We love you too George.
February 28, 2007 -- 12:47 PM
posted by alison
wait, where are there reservoirs and cavities in the brain?? i thought that if there were large spaces in the brain it meant you had something wrong with you (like schizophrenia), or is it just "abnormally large spaces" that mean that?
and, um, flower stalks? right Paras, I'm the one taking botany-type-classes, not you... ;)
edit: i'm sure it doesn't help that "cistern" evokes an image of a rough-hewn stone-lined water reservoir... but meh, i'm sure you can explain away my idea that i have a water-well in my brain, haha!
February 28, 2007 -- 7:56 AM
posted by Al
Alright if you really have to phone me and I'm not home, call:
Hopefully my actual phone gets fixed soon.
Oh yeah, It is (as inspired by Denny Zheng) the "Liberation of Al" for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
February 28, 2007 -- 3:05 AM
posted by eric
i officially do not ever want to watch an Oilers game ever again.
(unless ofcourse Bill Ranford comes out of retirement to play goal that'd be fuckin' sweeeet)
February 27, 2007 -- 9:47 PM
posted by Par
Yeah, maybe you'll have to do that sometime.
(AD suggests that he had a similar problem, but that it magically fixed itself when he upgraded to Firefox 2.0. I don't know why he won't write it himself, though.)
Anyway, back to cisterns, dural sinuses, geniculate bodies and peduncles. Whee!