> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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February 10, 2007 -- 6:32 PM
posted by eric

hey i've seen a film with those guys!
it wasn't very funny

February 10, 2007 -- 6:03 PM
posted by Par

Well, the verdict on the Medicine Cup Charity Hockey Tournament (where, if I hadn't mentioned to you, I played on the 'guys-who-can't-skate' team (affectionately referred to as Team Tripod) in the "non-competitive" division (ie. made up of womens' teams except for us) is that it was a lot of fun. My first real ice hockey experience is, I believe, a success.

    But we lost our semifinal game, against the physiotherapy students' team, who were crazy good.

    But we put up a good fight and went up 2-0 early.

    But that got them into urgency mode, and they tied it up.

    But we continued to play well and made it 4-2 halfway through the game.

    But then they got really serious, abandoned the game plan, and just came at us, tiring out our team.

    But we stayed in it, and held them to 4-4.

    But we got jobbed when they scored to make it 5-4, because just after their goal, the ref realized that time had expired but didn't know when, so he called the game at that point.

    But it comes with a free frogurt.

Anyway, enough of that nonsense. The bottom line is it was a lot of fun, I actually scored a (meaningless) goal, and I can't wait to play again. Just not in the next 48 hours. Man, I'm sore.

February 10, 2007 -- 5:49 PM
posted by Par

Hmmm... I realize that the "embarrassing" in that post could be misinterpreted. I was more referring to that Hallowe'en wig I was to wear -- the picture of which I speak. It's just that I still don't know what I looked like...

February 10, 2007 -- 12:00 PM
posted by Jere

I kind of liked those hats... if for some reason you have a spare spool... or two I guess in this case I wouldn't mind one. So I can look my best, wherever I go..

Not Joking...

Seacrest out

February 10, 2007 -- 1:02 AM
posted by Par

Hey, alison, don't you still owe me an embarrassing headwear picture far less recent than those shots there?...

February 10, 2007 -- 12:15 AM
posted by alison

and not so much a knitting disaster, as three lovely photos!

February 09, 2007 -- 10:30 PM
posted by alison

check this out!

if i ever start knitting things like these, promise me you'll perform an intervention!

especially this one, it's just godawful!

February 09, 2007 -- 4:29 PM
posted by Al

J Howard Marshall left no clear inheritor in his will other then his second oldest son Ellie Marshall. His eldest son was cut out of the will completely after a falling out with his dad. Anna Nicole was contesting the inheritance but now she's dead. Ellie died not to long ago so the inheritance is pretty much up for grabs to who ever can contest it in court. This can drag out for a while, some tabloidas are reporting that Anna Nicole's baby could get the inheritance. Howard Marshall had 3 wives and don't know how many children, but really no clear choice. Makes things interesting I suppose. Don't know who could be killing her for the inheritance though. Sounds like Howard marshall didn't have a lot of choices for his will. Probally some shady lawyer working in the background.

February 09, 2007 -- 1:54 PM
posted by edo

PH has got some big boots to fill.

February 09, 2007 -- 12:53 PM
posted by alison

hold on a minute...

"She looked like Marilyn Monroe and was as pretty as Marilyn Monroe. And when you think about it, both have had mysterious deaths."

forget about the fact that she was a talent-less pin-up tart mostly famous for being famous... oh, and TrimSpa... she looked like Marilyn Monroe??? perhaps WAY at the beginning before the weight and massive amounts of raunchy behaviour piled on... bit even then, no one's a classic like Norma Jean.

i think it's a conspiracy... someone's eliminating her line of the bazillion dollar oilman inheritance... first her son, now her, and let's see what happens to the baby now...

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