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February 09, 2007 -- 12:53 PM
posted by alison
hold on a minute...
"She looked like Marilyn Monroe and was as pretty as Marilyn Monroe. And when you think about it, both have had mysterious deaths."
forget about the fact that she was a talent-less pin-up tart mostly famous for being famous... oh, and TrimSpa... she looked like Marilyn Monroe??? perhaps WAY at the beginning before the weight and massive amounts of raunchy behaviour piled on... bit even then, no one's a classic like Norma Jean.
i think it's a conspiracy... someone's eliminating her line of the bazillion dollar oilman inheritance... first her son, now her, and let's see what happens to the baby now...
February 09, 2007 -- 12:10 PM
posted by alison
Paras, you had better not.
being the original, i tend to prefer ignoring the potential for more mes to exist out there... 1.0 i am not!
though i am incredibly disappointed by said turn of events... if only he had an opener, then i could almost justify it...
well... anyone want to see Van Morrison?
February 08, 2007 -- 6:06 PM
posted by Par
You're right... Former model Anna Nicole Smith dies at 39
EDIT: Also, Larry King is a profound man:
"She looked like Marilyn Monroe and was as pretty as Marilyn Monroe. And when you think about it, both have had mysterious deaths."
February 08, 2007 -- 6:05 PM
posted by Par
I'll take that as tacit approval to start calling you "1.0" from now on, alison.
February 08, 2007 -- 5:18 PM
posted by alison
you and you2... nice concept, Albert!
i like to think of her more as alison2.0
February 08, 2007 -- 12:58 PM
posted by Al
If cloning actually worked the way it was suppose to work you could do both. Though you and you2 would fight each other to see who got to do what. Maybe it is better that we can't clone ourselves.
February 08, 2007 -- 12:12 PM
posted by alison
know what's really exciting? - buying tickets (before christmas) to one of the hotter shows in the city (Van Morrison, admit it, you'd go!)
know what sucks? - a three hour statistics evening computer midterm in which you're allowed to take an extra fourth hour if necessary
know what almost makes me want to quit school? - the two of them happening on the same night.