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April 04, 2013 -- 12:01 AM
posted by Par
This is really cool: How Far is it to Mars? (spoiler alert: it's really far)
March 30, 2013 -- 3:49 PM
posted by Par
I guess what I need is less an RSS reader (I use feedly and it updates the sites I'm interested in well) and more something that lets me scan through (especially Canadian) news headlines. The end of google reader is just an excuse to get rid of Internet clutter...
March 30, 2013 -- 12:41 PM
posted by Beck
I've never used any aggregator, I didn't think the death of Google Reader would be as painful as it appears to be.
March 30, 2013 -- 12:38 PM
posted by Par
Hey, does anyone use a news aggregator that they particularly like? With the death of Google Reader, I've decided to take some advice about my RSS reader and cut the daily news out.
I've used Newsmap which is nice visually but still gets all its sources from Google News, and that includes some of the inane and stupid.
Any suggestions?
March 28, 2013 -- 4:24 PM
posted by Par
That animation is ridiculous, considering the amount of code involved.
March 27, 2013 -- 4:44 PM
posted by Beck
@Alison - that's cool, wiki syntax isn't that hard to pick up once you've used it a couple of times. I just recently learned it myself while having to document everything I know about the university social network.
March 27, 2013 -- 2:19 AM
posted by Beck
This is just amazing. It's a competition to write a fully functional and most impressive app in pure javascript in under 1kb. This is a procedurally generated minecart ride complete with gravity, terrain features, and dynamic lighting. That's insane!!
Note, it's also insane how slow FF is with JS rendering. Use chrome to view that.
It's even *more* impressive when you see just how little 1kb of js really is. Here's the entire source for that animation:
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