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March 25, 2007 -- 5:30 PM
posted by Par
For those floor hockey vets (anyone else still sore?), Canadian Tire sells plastic blades for $1.79. Meaning next week I'm actually going to have some reach with my stick. Look out.
Also, Vanessa points me towards Veggie Vogs. On sale, no less. Unfortunately, as with so much, outside of my size range. (Also, not really my style:

(well, maybe the black one is, but I'm not a huge fan of the swirl...))
But hey, animal-product-free shoes. It's small steps like these that have me thinking that one day I won't actually have to compromise with respect to shoes, wallets and belts in order to look professional.
March 25, 2007 -- 1:49 PM
posted by alison
I may take this back later, depending upon my workload, BUT, I'm thinking that a road trip would be kinda nice this year. And since I've been feeling semi-homesick for Yellowstone, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining me on a trek south of the border for about a week-and-a-half-ish to see some geysers, bison and glorious hiking adventures.
... not to mention the beer that Jeremy's dopelganger does the media spots for...
Anyway, I'm thinking June/July-ish. anyone who's interested should e-mail me. (alison_lennie@
March 25, 2007 -- 1:37 PM
posted by Chris's exam time again and I think my roommate is going psycho again. Not like at Christmas though, she's all moody this time. She told off the girls upstairs today for being loud last night. And she told me that she doesn't trust the new girl that might move in and she'll call 911 if she feels that she's in trouble.
March 25, 2007 -- 12:11 PM
posted by Al
Sorry guys, just not my cup of tea.
So Enjoy Matt and I assume Jack!
March 25, 2007 -- 11:53 AM
posted by Scubaguy24
Noone seems interested, so we're going to see sharkwater at 1:30.
March 24, 2007 -- 10:46 PM
posted by Beck
Anyone up for seeing sharkwater tomorrow? I'm thinking the afternoon show at 3:50
March 24, 2007 -- 4:22 PM
posted by Al
Hey Tay your company made Boxhead more rooms? That game fraking rocks! I probally played most of your companies games without knowing it!
March 24, 2007 -- 4:05 PM
posted by nobody knows my face
Hey Albert, you like GAMMA BROS? I hung out with the dudes who made that game when I was in San Francisco! The guy who does all the programming for their games is going to be in Edmonton during the Fringe and we're going to be meeting up with him for a few days. He's going to be learning how to use our new server technology and I wouldn't be surprised if their new games are developed on our technology. BOOM: you have a direct connection to PIXELJAM (through me), and I bet you never even knew it! Hell, his business card is in my wallet (in my pocket) right now as I type this.
ALSO, if you guys haven't done so, check out our company's new website redesign: