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March 18, 2007 -- 6:37 PM
posted by alison
why does a doorbell i hardly even hear scare me enough that i jump out of my skin?
why am i soooooo darned sleepy all the time?
oh, sorry, not random question time... i'll stop ;)
March 18, 2007 -- 11:46 AM
posted by Par
(I editted your post to make sense, Al, but I knew what you were talking about.)
To answer your question, yes.
March 17, 2007 -- 10:02 PM
posted by Par
<rant class="Anti-Microsoft and anti-IE rage">
- Why doesn't Internet Explorer anti-alias its fonts??
- Why can't IE handle my .pngs properly? How else are you supposed to get translucent images without resorting to hack-y alpha-filter CSS?
- Why does IE display Microsoft's own fonts (eg. trebuchet ms) like shit? Can't they even handle render their own work properly?
- Why does WinXP SP2 intermittently start a five-minute restart-timer when it has an update to install? I do some work on another machine for 10 minutes and hear a shutdown sound for no good fucking reason.
- Why does the time required to design a website double once you add that "test it in IE" step??
- Why does all of this make me so fucking angry????
March 16, 2007 -- 8:00 PM
posted by mary
well...if you still feel like doing something, give me a call!
March 16, 2007 -- 7:25 PM
posted by Al
I'm always up for doing something. It's how many people you can get interested that matters, I think.
March 16, 2007 -- 6:27 PM
posted by nobody knows my face
Assuming 5.5 has all the features I mentioned, it should probably work. These features are pretty basic so I don't see why it wouldn't. Let me know if you're having any difficulties.