> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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March 15, 2025 -- 3:42 PM
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go back to maingo to old version

March 14, 2007 -- 6:33 PM
posted by Beck

Could be either I think... go anyway.

March 14, 2007 -- 6:09 PM
posted by Chris

If you think working 12 hours on your birthday, presenting a case study to 10 dietitians, and not having time to celebrate your birthday because no one knows is fun, think again. Happy Pi day everyone. P.S: if someone says that you should get together for a drink sometime before you leave, is that being a friend or are they picking you up?

March 14, 2007 -- 4:22 PM
posted by Par

I just sent out the following email re: Pi Day:


So, I've had one crabby person (you know who you are, Chari) complain about general lateness of Pi Day festivities, so, if you're so inclined, feel free to stop by early and hang out pre-pi (so long as it's after 7:00; I need some me time...).

For those of you with 8:30 seared into your brain, we won't be serving pie early, so you needn't panic about missing out.

March 14, 2007 -- 2:18 AM
posted by nobody knows my face

GAAHHH. I can't believe they took the story down!!! I bet it's because of that stupid-ass movie coming out. FRACK.

March 13, 2007 -- 11:22 PM
posted by Tonestar Runner

March 13, 2007 -- 8:43 PM
posted by Par

Shit, I almost forgot that this is the last week ever of the show with zefrank. It'll be a shame when we lose his unblinking visage, calling his audience sports racers, the if the earth were a sandwich project, the remixes for ray's i'm about to whip somebody's ass song (who knew ray would turn out to be a preacher?!) and, lest we forget, Ride the Fire Eagle Danger Day.

Godspeed, ze.

(Oh yeah, and fingers in food. My god, fingers in food.)

March 13, 2007 -- 8:43 PM
posted by alison

wow... i want this... i want to make this...

March 13, 2007 -- 7:06 PM
posted by Par

March 13, 2007 -- 4:09 PM
posted by Al

Also another common theme of the "crazy" old man who knows what is going on but no will listen to him because of his radical ideas.

March 13, 2007 -- 3:06 PM
posted by Beck

Hey Tay, I was going to read your story, but it appears to have been removed by request of the authors estate...

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