> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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March 13, 2007 -- 9:29 AM
posted by Al

An interesting story depicting the common theme (Well now a common them, when the story was written it was an original idea.) of an outside force influnecing childrens thinking. I'm still wondering how Holloway was able to make those conjectures on what was happening. Actually this made the story more interesting, how the adults were on the cusp of knowing what was going on but were too "sane" to fully understand. When it was time to act it was too late.

March 13, 2007 -- 7:50 AM
posted by Al

Sorry Tay, couldn't read it yesterday. I'm going to give this story a thorough reading before I'll make an opinion on it.

Sounds good though, think they are going to make a movie adaptation of it.

March 13, 2007 -- 3:00 AM
posted by nobody knows my face

um, okaaayyy. So did you read it or not?

It's considered to be among one of the best science-fiction stories ever written. I first read it in the acclaimed book "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame". Even wikipedia notes that this book is possibly the best science fiction anthology ever put together. Check it out:

WIKIPEDIA: The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One, 1929-1964: The Greatest Science Fiction Stories of All Time

I thought that since I finally found an online copy of one of my favourite stories that I would share an undisputedly classic piece of literature. A piece of literature which you refer to as "homoerotic jibba jabba". If you are somehow afraid that doing a little reading of the classics to expand your mind is too gay (as you so deftly demonstrated), rest assured that you are the most straight-shootin' dullard this side of the poverty line. Sleep soundly in this knowledge.

I'm not saying you had to like it; I don't like a lot Shakespeare but I respect it for what it is. I can tolerate a difference in opinion, but an uneducated an unquantified insult is just ignorant. It is for such ignorance that I lack patience.

Now, would anyone who actually read the story like to contribute something meaningful regardless of whether or not you liked it? Something intelligent would be appreciated.

March 12, 2007 -- 11:36 PM
posted by nobody knows my face's better half

Sorry, I'm not into your homoerotic jibba jabba...

Worst. Story. Ever.

March 12, 2007 -- 4:32 PM
posted by nobody knows my face

I totally found one of my favourite short stories in full text form on the internet:


It's a short story, so you can totally read it in one sitting. I read it again for like the hundredth time last night and I noticed there are one or two odd mis-spellings in the online version and a tendency to replace certain letters with the number 1. But hey... what do you expect, it's free! I highly recommend you read it.

So yeah, have you read it yet?

You have?



March 12, 2007 -- 3:18 PM
posted by Par

Well, it's that time of the year again:

Wednesday, 3/14
Paras's House

Ideally we'd be doing it at 1:59, but that seems unlikely given my schedule, so I'm tentatively saying 8:30PM.

I am welcoming pie suggestions. I know I've never had Key Lime, for example, so that will be something I will try to find (somewhere). Also, if you want to show off your baking skills, let me know you're bringing some pie so I don't end up buying tons extra and eating leftover pie for a week.

And, for those dabbling in the geometrical humour, be there or be square. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Also, as a warning, I might be hitting you up for pledges for the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

March 12, 2007 -- 8:04 AM
posted by alison

March 12, 2007 -- 7:48 AM
posted by Al

Heard of her, pretty apt comparison.

March 11, 2007 -- 10:06 PM
posted by Tonestar Runner

Nice two-pronged assault on that one.

And for all you fans of Feist out there, you should also check out her Yankee doppelganger, Regina Spektor.

March 11, 2007 -- 8:53 PM
posted by Par

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