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March 08, 2007 -- 9:01 PM
posted by Par
An adventure in relative time-keeping.
Instead of fanciful stories of rocket ships and twins, the kids got a hands-on introduction to general relativity with real clocks and a family road trip. Furthermore, by being at high altitude for the weekend, we experienced more time together, relatively speaking. It was the best extra 22 nanoseconds I've ever spent with the kids.
March 07, 2007 -- 8:00 PM
posted by Jsese
Happy Bday yous.
kill the profs, but keep aison alive, and the river valley. I like that too. yeah. dos anybody know if I want to go to incubus enough to spend the money on them?
March 07, 2007 -- 7:35 PM
posted by alison
haha, i suppose, if you had a choice of contaminating the entire river valley with radioactive chemicals or kill a couple of researchers and professors, i'd also choose to kill the academics, but still...
... and no, that's not some sort of underlying grudge against my supervisors coming through, i promise!
March 07, 2007 -- 3:58 PM
posted by Par
I'm sure there's some emergency plan to blow all the windows. Although, given the hazardous substances present in the building, would you want to vent it?
On that note, Happy Birthday, Pam!
March 07, 2007 -- 3:24 PM
posted by Al
Can't remember the ESB having any good ventilation. But like you said if it passes inspection and regulation then it must be safe. Though it is suprising what we let pass. Working in manufacturing really opens your eyes to what we let pass. Lets just say I'm suprised anything works at all. Apparently the standards we have for oilfield equipment is much more strict then parts for automobiles. You'd be suprised at what we let thru. Yep I'm surpised anything we use still works. Not to scare you or anything Alison, just how things work I guess.