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February 26, 2007 -- 4:10 AM
posted by nobody knows my face
That car video is almost as crazy as this video:
snake vs. rabbit
February 25, 2007 -- 8:01 PM
posted by P
I was really impressed with the bit where the two Geminis cross the river, but that scene at the end where they drive into the subway station finished me.
February 25, 2007 -- 6:57 PM
posted by Al
Technically my car has better peformance in all areas compared with the Gemini. It should be doable.
February 25, 2007 -- 5:47 PM
posted by Par
That ad's crazy, P. And I seem to recall reading that it's all stunt drivers; no special effects. (I guess time period leaves computer graphics out of the question.) Still, it blows my mind every time I watch it.
(Thanks to neuroanatomy, I can put it back together again, though. The caudate's connected to the... putamen. The putamen's connected to the... globus pallidus. The globus pallidus's connected to the... red thing.)
February 25, 2007 -- 4:13 PM
posted by P
Hmmm would that mean that parts of nature operate under different rules of time? Time to communicate!
February 25, 2007 -- 3:45 PM
posted by Par
Well, it did work; it's too bad it didn't (and doesn't) work for you, alison. I wish I could explain it...
February 25, 2007 -- 3:27 PM
posted by Al
Very entertaining video showing the briefness of human existance.
February 25, 2007 -- 3:13 PM
posted by alison