> Life is like biryani. You move the good stuff towards you & you push the weird shit to the side.  

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February 23, 2007 -- 8:03 AM
posted by Al

Still in a state of shock but just got into a car accident. I'm writing on this board and the coccon of air bags didn't deploy so I guess I'm okay. Just me no one else was involved. It was a patch of black ice. What a bad day to start a friday.

February 22, 2007 -- 10:03 PM
posted by Al

Because it has been a year and some change since the last mmft tourney I forced myself to make this:

Only 2 and half weeks of actual work. Most of that time was contemplating finishing this entry. Well I really don't like it but we need 2 more stinkin entries otherwise we don't start. No choice this is pretty much my sell-out entry. Don't be suprised if there are more entries like this in the future. We got no people in that community to put in entries.

February 22, 2007 -- 6:46 PM
posted by Lisac

p.s. Our Mercury show tonight! @kHZ (old sharktank location 97St & 102Ave)

February 22, 2007 -- 6:44 PM
posted by Lisac

Thanks Tay. Being a comedian is different from being a musician, in that I have to do a lot of the writing and re-working in front of people, whereas as a musician can work a song over and over in the basement. That makes it easier for me, because when you're rockin' a song, you can't gauge the audience's enjoyment of each drum fill, lyric, etc... Pickin' cherries, pickin' cherries, right in the old bread basket.

Thanks Al, it's pretty rare that people will give you an honest opinion if they're non-plussed by what you do as an artist. I appreciate it wholly. Different strokes for different folks, I'm sure you're not the only one. I'm gonna write a joke just for you.

Par, really, it's nothing personal. Sometimes I have to deal in bad stereotypes to shorten a joke. Talk about LAZY. Actually, the only IT guys I've met all work hard, but that's not very funny, is it?

February 22, 2007 -- 2:25 PM
posted by P


This comic's so cool.

February 22, 2007 -- 10:23 AM
posted by edo

Avery is starting to get back in form by fighting with... goalies.

Bumping, running, shoving and punching possibly the leagues best goalie... AND calling the goalie a "big whiner" during a TV interview between periods. Yes, Avery has got his game back.

February 21, 2007 -- 11:37 PM
posted by Par

February 21, 2007 -- 10:54 PM
posted by P

Those kittens remind me of these cats.

February 21, 2007 -- 8:16 PM
posted by Al

February 21, 2007 -- 3:05 AM
posted by nobody knows my face

Okay, maybe I don't know shit about what is or isn't funny, but the whole "guiliani really put the mayor back in america" bit was FUCKING GENIUS in my opinion.

It's funny on more than one level which is quite an accomplishment.

Think about it:

1. it's one of those delayed laughs because you think to yourself "there's no mayor in america"... and then a few seconds later you're like OH WAIT, LOLS. Those are always the best laughs because at first you think there is no joke and then it just suddenly hits you.

2. it's funny because it's making fun of shitty american spelling.

3. it's funny because in certain thick american accents they actually pronounce America as "AMAYORICA".

Shit. That's a 3-pronged laugh attack. I've heard your 911 bit 2 times previously, but this time was easily the most solid, and you had some new material added to it that was even funnier than the old stuff! Man... if this is any sort of indication of things to come, I predict your new material will be 24 karat gold.

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