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February 19, 2007 -- 12:00 PM
posted by Al
I didn't know you liked such over the top gorefest Par. There is hope for you yet.
February 18, 2007 -- 8:49 PM
posted by P
Beck, have you tried Listen for Gnome as a music player? You should check that out.
February 18, 2007 -- 4:02 PM
posted by Chris via Al
Like French Connection via UK but no near swears.
February 18, 2007 -- 3:47 PM
posted by Al
Gung Hay fat choy!
Happy chinese new years everybody!
You know who gives red packages? Married people! All us single people should be rolling in the dough!
February 18, 2007 -- 10:20 AM
posted by edo
I said to Beck last night... if they are going to make a trade, the best time is after the Toronto game.
Out: Marc-Andre Bergeron
In: Denis Grebeshkov
Being reported on Sportsnet
All I can say is that this guy better be able to turn water into vodka 'cause this trade seems bad.
February 18, 2007 -- 1:51 AM
posted by Par
In case I didn't get it across, thanks to everyone who came out tonight. Apologies to those I didn't really get a chance to talk to, but the numbers were surprising, at least to me. I know the 24th year will be, at least, more intriguing that the previous ones, and I'm glad to have kicked it off the right way.
February 17, 2007 -- 6:23 PM
posted by Par
Do the credits in all Quebec movies run top-to-bottom? Or just in Bon Cop, Bad Cop?