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February 17, 2007 -- 5:00 PM
posted by alison
aww, so cute!
Albert, no, that wasn't me... i was looking for baby hat patterns to knit (my Mom's suggested she get me to knit something for a friend of hers) and that kid was too adorable not to share the photo...
this is me:
be nice... i had a lazy eye as a little kid... i obviously don't any more. ... in this pic i was 10 months old... i don't know if that counts for a 'baby' pic or not... just say the word and i'll find younger... haha!
February 17, 2007 -- 9:38 AM
posted by Par
Nothing like an excerpt from Kevin Taft's new book to anger up the blood:
Hush in the air about deadly hospital cleanup
The following is an excerpt from Democracy Derailed, a new book by Alberta Liberal leader Kevin Taft, published by Red Deer Press
"You should look into asbestos problems at the Holy Cross." - Anonymous phone message
In 2002, I began raising concerns in Question Period about the sale of the Holy Cross Hospital as part of a larger probe into conflicts of interest at the Calgary Regional Health Authority (CRHA). Five years earlier, the CRHA had sold the Holy Cross building and land for about $4.5 million.
We submitted a request under Freedom of Information laws (FOIP) for all documents relating to the sale of the hospital. To our delight, FOIP actually delivered (the only time I can remember). We received a huge stack of information, including the engineering reports on the building, the appraisals indicating a value of $20.6 million and considerable background correspondence on the sale process.
I would recommend reading the rest of the article, if for its informative content rather than its entertainment value. The asbestos problems were only the first part of the maddening story, but in and of themselves, they are ludicrous and tragic.
We began making inquiries and learned that the City of Calgary had issued significant building permits for renovations at the Holy Cross. In our first conversations with city officials, they were concerned about asbestos at the site. But when we followed up a few weeks later, the subject suddenly seemed off limits.
February 16, 2007 -- 9:05 PM
posted by Al
Who's the baby? You Alison? Is this baby picture posting time? Let's see who the cutest baby was!
February 16, 2007 -- 6:56 PM
posted by P
I tried to guess what ohmibod was before visiting the page, but I couldn't understand why the picture of the woman was leaning up on the 'o'. If you wanted to feel the music, why not find a way to hook up your ipod into a massage chair, a leaf blower, or a jackhammer? You could also just plug in an exposed power cord and maybe split it with the ipod to give yourself musical shocks! Well..after all that brainstorming, the images going through my mind were pretty dark and horrifying so I figured it was time to check it out. Unfortunately, ohmibod wasn't what I was expecting.
It'd be really cool if they made little figurines of prominent political figures that could plug into your ipod and dance a jig to your music! They'll interrupt mid-beat to say their most famous catch phrases! Nausea, heart burn, indigestion! Upset stomach! Diarrhea! Uh...if anyone has seen that Pepto Bismol commercial with Godzilla and others you'd want a little figurine too. And yes, Godzilla is a prominent political figure dammit!
February 16, 2007 -- 6:33 PM
posted by Al
That holster makes sense now after seeing the other important accesory (Actually probally their flag ship product) on that site. I though that holster was for strippers or something. Then I though that doesn't make any sense too much movement, it would get in the way. Well now that everything is cleared up. It's all good now.
February 16, 2007 -- 6:28 PM
posted by Al
Sorry Alison I was at work and could only see the message board. I didn't dare look at the actual site, I'll puruse it now, since I'm at home.
February 16, 2007 -- 5:50 PM
posted by alison
Closed After 26 Wonderful Years
Due to numerous circumstances, the difficult decision to close the Sidetrack Café was made on February 15, 2007. We would like to thank all those that have supported the Sidetrack Café in the last 26 years. The Sidetrack Café was made a special and important venue with the help of amazing performers and a great community that supported the concept of the Sidetrack Café. The Sidetrack Café was also blessed with wonderful and committed staff members that brought the Sidetrack Café experience to life on a daily basis. The Sidetrack Café would like everyone to focus on the positive experiences we all had at this fantastic venue rather than the circumstances that led to its closure. Thank you for 26 remarkable years
The Sidetrack Café