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February 16, 2007 -- 9:48 AM
posted by edo
Ms Royal, 53, was booed by schoolchildren on a visit to a sports ground on Tuesday and is being deserted by stars of the intellectual world, a traditional bastion of the Left.
Haha, thats awesome.
February 16, 2007 -- 7:48 AM
posted by Beck
A lot of the info on how to do those things can be found at, and it's in very simple terms, just a few command line entries that you can even copy and paste. Then after the "how to do this" is usually a link to a thread on the ubuntu forums for trouble shooting. I find this to be much easier than troubleshooting windows where there is no single source of info, instead you have to resort to google and find each solution on a different site. I think the lack of hardware support is the only thing preventing linux from being desktop ready. But even in that case they're catching up quick. In the last version of ubuntu my wireless card was only partially supported, now it's fully supported. Keri's wireless wasn't supported at all, and now it is just a few months later.
February 15, 2007 -- 11:18 PM
posted by P
That reminds me of the fellow who shredded his copy of Vista, but it's a shame the video isn't up any more. When I read the hardware troubles that Vista users were experiencing, deep down inside, I cackled with devilish glee. Finally, new Vista users were suffering a similar experience that every Linux newbie must eventually face. But, another part of me understood the experience, I couldn't cackle for too too long.
I hope that hardware manufacturers will take up the Linux community's offer. I wouldn't mind walking through stores looking for Linux certified products, but I'm sure that's the last thing Microsoft and others are interested in.
I don't believe that Linux is ready as a desktop for the general public though. I've been using Linux for a few months and there are things that I have yet to even dare think about, e.g. file servers, firewall coding, samba, printers, network configuration (yea...even after ndiswrapper!), ip filtering, games (well...really...what are they again?), I'm sure the limits of this brief list only reveals the limitlessness of my Linux ignorance. But, the advantage is that I finally understand my N5495 better, which would never have happened if I remained with WinXP. Really, if it weren't for Linux, this laptop would probably be collecting dust in a box, condemned as a lemon even. I can't believe this laptop comes with the "Designed for Windows XP" logo on it. The sad part is that it's some sort of metal piece built into the laptop, I can't even remove it if I wanted to.
February 15, 2007 -- 9:40 PM
posted by Par
Hey, Percy, this sounds like a slightly broader treatment of the specific problem you talked about a few weeks ago.
Linux and Vista users share driver pain:
Customers are getting annoyed. They spent good money on the latest and greatest PC peripherals, only to find out that the hardware is only partially supported on their operating system of choice. Without the kernel drivers necessary to power them, some of the best features of the new toys are going unused.The article goes on to talk about the initiative that Linux driver developers have started; reaching out to hardware manufacturers, basically saying "we'll make drivers for Linux for free, all you need to do is give us specs."
Oh, and just to be clear: The OS we're talking about is Microsoft Windows.
I've read generously optimisitc articles about Linux 'being ready for the desktop' and being adoptable by the general public for years, and I've generally dismissed them all, but I would enjoy the irony should the Vista experience be the thing that pushes users over that edge.
February 15, 2007 -- 7:17 PM
posted by Al
Good song I heard on sonic today. I'm spreading the love or whatever you know stuff.
February 15, 2007 -- 9:06 AM
posted by alison
February 14, 2007 -- 8:03 PM
posted by Al
Alright, alright a little something for Valentines/ Single awareness day
February 14, 2007 -- 6:05 PM
posted by Par
Here We Go Again...
What: Snow soccer
Where: The field by Westbrook elementary (119th Street and 40th Ave)
When: February 17th, 3:00PM
Who: You. And other people. Multiple people.
Why: Paras likey the soccer in the snow. Also, Paras likey hanging out with friends for his birthday.
Hope everyone can make it.
(p.s. Jere, I hope that Man U ball can survive the snow...)
February 14, 2007 -- 4:07 PM
posted by Al
You aren't dating anyone are you Percy? There you go done!