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February 14, 2007 -- 3:50 PM
posted by P
Single Awareness Day? This sounds Borg scary. How do we try it?
February 13, 2007 -- 8:37 PM
posted by Par
"On December 20th, 2006, The Pain depicted President Gerald Ford.
On December 26th, he died.
On January 31st, 2007, The Pain depicted Anna Nicole Smith.
On February 8th, she fucking died.
It is now clear that Tim Krieder's pen weilds the power of death. The obvious question is:Who Shall I Kill Next?"
February 13, 2007 -- 8:33 PM
posted by Par
Re: Masala Wok. Don't go.
(Also, wrt Elmer Fudd, my favourite part of that page has to be the link to "Pweferwences".)
February 13, 2007 -- 6:12 PM
posted by alison
February 13, 2007 -- 4:28 PM
posted by Al
You know there are probally alot of traditional festivals that many chinese-canadians don't celebrate. Chinese New Years is the one everyone know but there are more festivals that aren't even mentioned. I don't remember celebrating chinese valentines day at all, just heard about the story behind it. If we lived over in Southeast Asia (China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia etc..) we could probally get a day off.
February 13, 2007 -- 3:53 PM
posted by Al
Yes and no, the legend behind this chinese festival is kind of bittersweet. More geared towards single people finding love rather then a union of love. Though I suppose the reunion of two long lost lovers could be seen as a good thing for a wedding?
February 13, 2007 -- 3:22 PM
posted by Par
I guess that means that Jere and Dana's wedding is tentatively on Chinese Valentine's Day. That's good, right?
February 13, 2007 -- 2:09 PM
posted by Al
Just some early Valentines bitching. Did you know on my birthday is Chinese valentines day?
The proof or lack there of
Urgh... This year is going to turn out well...