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February 13, 2007 -- 10:46 AM
posted by Jess
I also like the bottom on best, Al. And the words are way easier to read when the letters are coloured in.
February 13, 2007 -- 7:58 AM
posted by Al
Hmm.. valid points, it just that I'll be using this typeface over and over again. So I want the typeface that is the least annoying when viewed many times.
Number 2 has the same skew for all the letters but I think because the "G" and "A" are wider then the other letters, their skew is less noticeable.
More adjustment on this for sure. I don't want perfection just something I won't be annoyed at after constant viewing.
February 12, 2007 -- 11:45 PM
posted by alison
well... Albert, to be honest, i'm still not sure i like the typeface, but that's like me telling you i'd prefer it if you made a chocolate cake rather than cookies... do what you want!
as for which one i like the best of the options: number two.
though, really try to make sure you have the same rotation on all your letters... the angles ought to be fairly similar, in my opinion. it looks more pro that way.
February 12, 2007 -- 9:19 PM
posted by Al
Alright got some time to twiddle that icon thingy and came up with 4 new iterations.
might be hard to see them all.
February 12, 2007 -- 9:04 PM
posted by Al
I usually don't recommend flash games but this one is kick-ass!
Stickman fighting game
Probally the best stickman fighting game on newgrounds.
February 12, 2007 -- 6:04 PM
posted by Lisac
Shameless self-plug!!!!
Got plans for Valentine's Day? F@%$ you! If you don't, want to come see me compete in the big comedy contest of the year? Yes? Awesome! It's Wednesday at 8pm at Yuk Yuk's in Londonderry Mall. (Yes, the mighty Yuk's.) I will be judged by an American, sorry, Canadian Idol-like jury, and you can win stuff just for being there! Audience votes count!!! Let me know ASAP if you're interested. I can hook youse guys UP! (free tix.) Four-Three-One-Zero-Six-One-Two is my phone number, or What a waste of html that was.
p.s. Yeah, Al, more colour in the letters, and you're totally there. What?
February 12, 2007 -- 4:33 PM
posted by Beck
Yes indeed happy Darwin Day.
Also, todays Penny Arcade comic is pretty awesome.
February 12, 2007 -- 11:06 AM
posted by Al
Yeah maybe that is it, it looks unfinished somehow. Shapes are ok, colour and maybe some other things will make it look done.