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February 11, 2007 -- 10:52 PM
posted by Par
I dunno. I really like the concept of the letters forming the dude, and the use of the two "A"s for different limbs. I'm not sure about the typeface for the rest of the letters (although I'm not sure if that's what is bothering me about it.)
Count me down for it being a good idea and I'm looking forward to the next iteration.
February 11, 2007 -- 9:32 PM
posted by Beck
Sorry Al but I don't like it... although I hate to say that because it's not like I could do better, but something about it seems off.
February 11, 2007 -- 3:59 PM
posted by eric
message for TONY
if you are interested in having an article printed up in BEAT ROUTE magazine email me back at
February 11, 2007 -- 3:58 PM
posted by Jere
Oh yeah,
if anyone's interested, I'm playing hockey tonight at 10 in the clare drake arena. I'm going early because te other chemistry team is playing before us, but if you're interested, give me a ring...
February 11, 2007 -- 3:39 PM
posted by Par
Strangely, I don't really remember.
Anyone ever been to Masala Wok? Verdict?
February 11, 2007 -- 3:38 PM
posted by Jere
The Green one would be pretty snazzy alison, just think we could have a fashion show later on... well that's if anyone else has one as well.
I'll have to start practicing my "magnum" just in case.
I felt bad for at least not dropping in on the halloween party last year, but apparently I was there in spirit... Speaking of which where did you go for halloween last year Par?
February 11, 2007 -- 12:39 PM
posted by Par
Thanks, alison. Seems like I may need to borrow that wig for a future geekfest production.
February 11, 2007 -- 10:51 AM
posted by alison
here, Jere:
these are the colours i have right now... brown, grey, blue, green and white... i know the pic is blurry, but it was the most true to the actual colours of the yarn.
i can't promise i'll start on it right away, and i probably need to measure your head or something, but... once i get going, it only takes me a week in my spare time (i.e. a bit here and there between catching the bus or before going to bed...) how's that?
February 11, 2007 -- 10:39 AM
posted by alison
i would've said "owe" was the misused part of that sentence...
anyway, the pics didn't turn out all that well, because you moved too much... something about not wanting to be photographed even though you want the photograph... well, here it is:
it's not exactly a look i'd recommend!