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January 15, 2016 -- 5:56 PM
posted by Par
Swimming's become an important activity to me for the past few years -- it forces me to be alone with my thoughts undistracted by music or screens or people asking questions and just reflect and think (until I realize my technique is getting worse or I lose count of how many laps I've done. I guess I'll always find a way to distract myself.)
And so as I was gathering thoughts during my swim yesterday, I thought it important to thank the people who have been generous and funny and supportive to me for so long and teaching me over the years how to be the same.
Recently one of my own small projects moved into a active phase. In that transition I've had to try to clean up a mess caused by dealing with people who are decidedly not generous, not funny, and not supportive.
There are not enough people in the world like you, my friends, but I'm thankful that you have been the rule, rather than the exception, in my life. So, thanks.
(And if you're interested, there's more about the project here.)
December 25, 2015 -- 2:41 PM
posted by nobody knows my face
Whoa, those mega man dudes are amazing!!! 0_0
December 25, 2015 -- 2:06 PM
posted by anonymous
Do you guys remember that god-awful Mega Man Holiday Special game?
December 25, 2015 -- 1:10 PM
posted by alison
These robots are great, guys!
This was a lot of fun to be a part of.
I'm glad our group has such excellent creativity.
Thanks for inspiring us, Al!
And, by all means, Al, feel free to share my bot. Vaccu-tron 8700 needs greater exposure, it'll help with sales! ;)